Eco Friendly Actions Alternative Energy Sources Compositions alternative energy sources ebook | Page 9

Since the beginning of the year, Amara has been producing green energy. The photovoltaic park made up of European funds provides 50% of the consumption of public institutions and street lighting in the locality, which means a consistent economy to the local budget. The "roadside" investment on DN2C Slobozia-Buzau awakens the interest of the people in transit and the pride of the locals, satisfied with the usefulness of the project. The Amara photovoltaic park is made up of 8 rotating devices on which 416 solar panels are installed. They return simply after the sun, and if the wind blows at a speed of more than 60 km / h, it automatically sits horizontally. Depending on the brightness of each day, a device with 52 solar panels produces one day up to 12,500 kw of solar energy. From the first estimates, the savings that the city resort makes as a green energy producer amount to 300,000 lei per year. School and kindergarten are two of the public consumers for whom green energy now means savings on current bills, but less stress. For locals, the photovoltaic park is a pride, especially as Amara is among the first communities in the country to produce green energy. ADRIANA/ROMANIA Alternative energy sources Alternative energy is an energy that don‘t use up the Earth‘s natural resources. There are eight common types of alternative energy: hydrogen, biofuel and ethanol, hydroelectricity, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass. In Lithuania, we use biomass – an energy which you can get by burning woods, biofuels – a type of energy derived fro renewable plant and animal materials, hydroelectricity – an energy that captures from falling water, wind power – an energy from wind, biogas – gaseous fuel and geothermal energy – an energy which is generated and stored in the Earth. I think that these energy forms are really good, because of saving nature. I think we should use them, because it is sustainable and it will never run out. Also, this energy has minimal impact on the environment. For this reason, it doesn‘t pollute our nature. In conclusion, we must use this energy if we want to save our nature. AGNE/LITHUANIA ECO FRIENDLY ACTIONS 2016-2018