Eco Friendly Actions Alternative Energy Sources Compositions alternative energy sources ebook | Page 34

BIOGASS ? As the exploitation of fossil energy-oil, gas, coal, etc. is slowly but inexorably coming to an end, we have to find other sources to ensure our need for fuel. In fact, energy is all around us, being transmitted by the only energy supplier: the sun. There are, of course, hidden tanks of fossil energy, that is, former forests and vegetation hundreds of millions of years ago. But the mode of energy accumulation has not changed since then, the process of photosynthesis being the same. And the plants today accumulate energy as it is a hundred million years ago. This energy, even if it is not focused on passing the timeline, exists everywhere. Biomass or the plants around us permanently stores this energy. A fairly easy way to exploit this energy source is to obtain biogas, a product resulting from its decomposition. The use of biogas is not a new idea, it has been used especially since the 1970s in the first crisis of fossil fuels. For a few years, however, it has returned to public attention, being a simple and not very costly method of meeting energy needs, given the virtually inexhaustible sources of raw material. Biogas is the gas emanating from organic fermentation fermentation in the absence of oxygen. Simply, there are those gases that result from plant decomposition. Their energy value is not to be neglected, so special installations were created to create the conditions of controlled decomposition and of course the capture of the gases resulting from this process. MARIO/ROMANIA ECO FRIENDLY ACTIONS 2016-2018