Don't filter it, just write it down!
Now make it your GOAL to MAKE IT the next 30 days!
And don't get me wrong, I am all about the power of making a declaration!
But when we are SERIOUS about something....and this is the REAL conversation we usually need to have with ourselves....we don't just make a statement, we set an actual goal.
See, a goal will give you that kick in the booty, it gives you focus, it gives you purpose for the actions that you are taking.
Using my competition as an example, working out took on a WHOLE new meaning when it was tied to being on stage, in a bikini, in front of hundreds of people. Cause there was no way I was going to get on that stage looking any less than my personal best! It helped me to become so much more focused, so much more disciplined, so much more intentional about the work I was putting in!
And the end result made it all so worth it. Because in the end.... I was proud of me!
Yep, you heard me...the next 30 days! Not next week or “sometime this year”. Don't underestimate what you can do in the next 30 days.
Now could I have completed my training for a fitness competition in 30 days.... nope!
But I could have picked a show, hired my coach, started my training and started taking steps to make that goal happen in the next 30 days.
And you can too.
I am already super excited for you because I can hear your wheels turning...and I can't wait to hear what goals you have set for yourself!
So, what YOU are going to do in the next 30 days?
And if you want some help staying accountable, come visit me and the amazing ladies in my Facebook community, Mindset, Muscle and Metabolism, and we will definitely help keep you on track!
Committed to your success,