Eclectic Shades Magazine January 2016 | Page 42

Last year Dace graduated Riga Fashion & Photo School, which is known to be the best of its kind in the Baltic States. Since then, her career has really taken off and her work has been getting published in both local and international magazines. However, the stylist herself says that it is just the beginning and all the best is yet ahead.

When asked about the essence and appeal of fashion. Dace describe it as an elaborate, sophisticated and elitary form of expressing yourself "Sometimes it seems to me that fashion is kind of a protection system for the fragility of human soul. The world outside can be harsh and quite brutal, so industries like fashion, cinema and music offer some kind of escape to this self-created ideal assylum of comforting beauty and freedom."

Cinema and beauty are her other passions and along with her degree in Arts, they all are of great help and inspiration in her work as a stylist. At the moment Dace is looking forward to advancing her career internationally. She hopes to get represented by one of the top international agencies and possibly acquire experience in working with the best designers and photographers. "It has always been crucial to me to live up to my fullest potential. It is not so much about the ambition of being able to do everything, it is rather about making sure that I did everything that I could the best way that I could at the time, and always looking for ways to become even better in future."

As for her contribution to the magazine, Dace would like to present fashion as more approachable than it is believed to be, and make it more interactive for the readers.