Eclectic Shades Magazine December 2017 | Page 52

Hey guys! Welcome to the December edition of Hustle and Hack. This month, we’re talking about internships. That’s right. Internships.

Now, I’ve talked about internships time and time before in this column, highlighting the “Hustle” part of “Hustle and Hack.” But in just a mere two months, I will be off to NYC for a very exciting internship.

In the course of the past five years, I have had ten internships, and it has been a whirlwind of new experiences, excitement, mistakes, and overall craziness.

Today, I’m going to give you my top three tips on how to land your dream internship.

1. Don’t be scared to put yourself out there.

When I first started applying for internships, I had no idea what I was doing. I was trying my best to be professional and seem older than I was so companies would at least consider taking on a 13-year-old with no experience.

Luckily, after a year of sending out resumes that were essentially nothing but skills, an awesome photographer named Todd White took me under his wing, and that’s where my internship journey began.

I still remember to this day that the reason he was so willing to take me on was that of my persistence and courage. Don’t be nervous to email to a company you look up to and that you’d like to intern for. Better yet, see them in person, you’ll make an impression that will last a while.

2. Be. Organized.

I cannot tell you how many times having a binder with my life organized saved me. I have five categories in what I call my “life binder”: internships, budget/finances, monthly plan, school, and goals. Having this information at arms reach whenever I feel wrapped up in my crazy life is so helpful.

3. Be ready for failure.


by Addie Rock