Echo magazine 7th edition volume 1 | Page 24

BreakingBARRIERS The blind could see through his senses and the deaf tapped his feet to the rhythm. MJ didn’t just make the world a cooler and better place, he journeyed with the world to a place where we only dared to go when we daydreamt. That bubbly feeling is what coupled with the positive words he preached made him the better bigger ICON he was. sic Mu “People dance because dance can change things. One move can bring people together. One move can make people believe like there’s something more. One move can set a whole generation free”Moose, step up 3D. “One move can bring people together”. This statement comes with a weight bigger and deeper than is seen at face value. From the movie I got to understand the reason MJ was able to change the world, and made it a better place whether you’re White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian. He believed in a place where all were equal. He had a conviction and he stood by it. With just a step, a rhythm and a beat he transformed the art of music and the world forever. He took a task pitched him in the broader sense of the word and made all who couldn’t dream, dream. “One move can make you believe like there’s something more”. Whitney Houston in the early days of her career was thought of as more white than black because she was a black girl doing Pop rather than the conventional Soul or RnB. But with will power and a clear definition of what she wanted to do she wrote her name in time and stepped into the shoes of the VOICE. She didn’t just think of small girl Whitney but had the bigger picture of Whitney the pioneer who steered the wheels and created a global sensation that has outlived her till today even after her death. She is the second synonym for daring to be different. She forgot the critics and promised herself the title of being the sacrificial lamb or most probably scape goat. “One move can set a whole generation free”. Robert Nester Marley the name that reverberates when reggae is mentioned. He took an already created genre and transformed the fortunes of his peeps, made it a point to change the perception that comes with locks and totally made a whole new phenomenon when it comes to the identity and matters pertaining to the Rasta man. Today the genre has grown beyond leaps and bounds and is a globally loved groove. The question: will we be able to make something significant out of what we have? Still looms around awaiting response from the people involved. Are we going set the generation of music lovers and addicts free from the bondage of making it out there? Because music matters; if not to you then to me. Hope things change and become better, let’s turn the tables. Peace I’m out catch you on the flip side. 24? ECHO MAG? YEAR 2012 YEAR 2012? ECHO MAG?25