Fashion Police
Is it that some of us don't look in the mirror when and after dressing or we just see something wacky to be nice?
Is it that the fashion criminals do not have roommates who like them enough to tell them when they go wrong or they're the kind of people who don't like to be corrected when they go wrong? Maybe the roommates also don't know any better. Or sometimes they just don't realize that they are committing fashion hazards. And please, no Fashion Criminal should hide behind religion. The fact that you are a Christian doesn't mean that you shouldn't dress well to compliment the body that God gave you. You don't have to dress indecently to be fashionable and your clothes and accessories don't have to be expensive, they just have to suit you. Your weave-on doesn't have to be Brazilian or Indian either, it just has to make you look good. What you wear is very important. Don't deceive yourself into thinking it isn't, because wherever you go, your outward appearance is the first thing that gets people's attention, before they get to know you better. You might not know it, but the way you look can earn you a lot of favours and get people to listen to you when you when you talk or make you lose favours, even work-related, and cause people not to take you seriously. A product might be good, but if the packaging is unattractive, most people will pass it by for the one beautifully wrapped up, even if it's more expensive. It's what's inside that counts, yes, but you have to get the person interested enough to want to look inside.
Lose a pound……. save a million….
stay healthy
A great man once told me “You do not need a century to make wealth, it just takes BRAINS”. I didn’t get it then, but I do now. Ever sit back at the end of the week and wonder: “Where did all that money go??” As students, we tend to spend the most money on the most trivial stuff, forgetting to save. It’s true, spend it if you have it, but then it won’t hurt to cut back on some minor stuff we can really do without. Let’s try the following and do the math together: üü Instead of