Echo magazine 7th edition volume 1 | Page 2

BreakingBARRIERS Breaking BARRIERS Are You Ready Finally, the beginning has ended. Echo is six editions old and far from crawling quietly by. Your distinguished patronage has ensured that the world has begun to take notice of this once-little dream birthed in a daring heart, of this remarkable story still being told, and more importantly, of the absolute splendor of the young African’s resolve. What you have in your hands not only lends to you an easy read of how the past semester went, we here at ECHO, also want to show you in pictures, words and color what we have steadfastly believed in all this while; that small beginnings do not justify small endings. We must all aspire to break the barriers that needlessly keep us in check, when we could become so much more than our circumstances usually permit. So here; read, criticize, enjoy, but by all means, take something away from this edition. VIM, there’s no stopping the young, focused, determined African youth. 2? ECHO MAG? YEAR 2012 YEAR 2012? ECHO MAG?3