ECHO April 2020 April Newsletter | Page 4

From the PRIDE Ms. Tabata Rodriguez, Teacher in our Toddler Classroom 250, answers questions about her essential role as an educator and encourager to our children and families. Please read about how integral the partnership from home to school is to make more meaning of the learning for your child and it will transfer to success in the transition to the upcoming preschool classrooms and ultimately to ‘big school.’ Q: What are some ways you like to connect with families to build a trusting relationship? A: This is part of doing my job. Getting to know the families from the start to ease the transition is a great place to start. Trying to work with the parents and collaborate with a positive attitude while we teach the children nothing but the BEST! Q: How have you seen milestones reached and children experience true development when families partner with you? A: When parents collaborate at home with the curriculum and practice with their kids on sign language, songs, or manners we teach. You can see that kids participate more in class and they communicate more in class because their parents show they care. Q: What other activities do you encourage parents to be involved in alongside you? A: Read on your child’s daily sheet about their experiences that day. (You can also read our family information board to know our learning goals or word of the week…please ask me!) Ask the kids what they learned throughout the day. They will especially respond when you say the same things we say, so please ask me or my peers. We love to assist you in these language connections! Harris, one of her students, gives Ms Tabata a big hand! Q: What is a challenge you have experienced in the classroom and how has a family partnership helped you overcome it? A: One of the common issues is when children bite, I believe having great communication with parents helps to eliminate this issue because parents can help and continue teaching and redirecting the child to an appropriate replacement skill at home as we do the same thing in our environment. Q: What is your favorite part of your work here with the staff alongside you? A: I like how we are all a team, even though it is not my classroom we all help each other. The whole group has a great relationship and we can encourage each other with the struggles and the victories each day. Q: Many staff look to your experience and wisdom, please share more about your passion and what drives your love here everyday. A: I love kids and I love working with kids. I love to be a part of their learning experience day by day. I believe that if we teach children right from wrong at a very early age that when they grow into adults they will be good people. Q: What do you want to tell families who are at home with the current challenges in our community? A: We know that we are going through a difficult time and that it affects all of us, but we are taking every precaution necessary for the wellbeing of not only the kids but everyone in the building. We are waiting and praying for this all to pass and for everyone to be able to return. For example, when you play the same animal actions or noises we play, the children get so excited to show you what they know. Q: What do you enjoy most about our curriculum and how does it prepare the students to be ready for more preschool and beyond? A: I love how we use images (with different textures and figures) and other forms of sensory activities to teach children. If they don’t speak words yet we teach them sign language. Little by little the kids can learn how to interact and learn the meaning through their senses and begin mimicking sounds of language through the fun activities with us. [ 4 ] [ 5 ]