Parents and children will remain in building and go to designated tornado shelters . Designated shelters include the inner hallways .
The rooms are checked for safety and staff follow safety guidelines and precautions , but occasionally accidents happen and injuries occur . Any injury which requires doctor ’ s treatment must be recorded on an accident report form .
If the injury is minor , the ECFE staff will use the first aid kit and notify parent .
For more serious injuries , ECFE staff will immediately notify the parent who will then take charge of the situation . If the parent is out of the building , 911 will be called .
Socks / Shoes
Safety is our number one priority . New walkers may be in socks , but any child walking comfortably must be in shoes . Footwear must be worn at all times by staff and students with the exception of non-walkers .
ECFE is a Safe Place for Children
ECFE and school district staff are mandated to report suspected child abuse and neglect . Children may not be physically punished , threatened or spoken to in an abusive manner .
Guests in ECFE
ECFE is a safe place for kids and parents , and having guests in the classroom or the parent room can create discomfort and confusion . Please consult with your child ’ s teacher or parent educator if someone other than you ( the registered guardian in the class ) plans to attend class in your place .
Registered Participants
All children must be registered and meet the age specification of the class . For example , If you are enrolled in a Multi-Age class with your two-year-old , and you have a newborn , you may bring your infant into the parenting class with you for up to 12 weeks . If your baby will be joining the Multi-Age class you must register your baby right away to obtain a spot , or if it ’ s an age-specific class and sibling care is available you may register your baby for sibling care .
Non-School Days For Older Children
Any child that is not registered for the ECFE class cannot attend the class for any reason . On non-school days for older children , please make other arrangements for that child .