ECET 105 Week 1 iLab Introduction to Laboratory Test Equipment ECET 105 Week 1 iLab Introduction to Laboratory Te

ECET 105 Week 1 iLab Introduction to Laboratory Test Equipment Click Below Link To Purchase laboratory-test-equipment I. OBJECTIVES 1. To learn the function and basic operation of the instruments comprising a test bench 2. To gain a basic understanding of how to use the power supply, DMM, oscilloscope, and function generator 3. To take measurements using the power supply, DMM, oscilloscope, and function generator 4. II. To determine waveform characteristics of various signals PARTS LIST Equipment IBM PC or Compatible with Windows 2000 or Higher ELVIS II+ Parts 1 - 1.0 kohm Resistor (color bands = brown, black, red, gold) 1 - 4.7 kohm Resistor (color bands = yellow, violet, red, gold) III. PROCEDURES