ECB Coaches Association links Hitting the Seam Issue 37 | Page 15
acceptable for women to be
playing on the edges of our
grounds with equipment
designed for children.
So we have unleashed the game
and developed our softball
format, featuring a revolutionary
composite bat, for the Soft Ball
Cricket campaign. Over 180
festivals will take place
nationwide to coincide with the
ICC Women’s World Cup,
attracting some 7000 female
players. All will have an
opportunity to attend World
Cup matches through bespoke
ticketing offers, competitions
and a themed ‘ladies day’ for
the finals.
The festivals alone will not truly
embed women into cricket.
The venue, experience, attitudes
and behaviours of our
workforce, volunteers and club
environments will play a vital
role in creating that welcoming
and positive first experience
of our sport. We have invested
in education programmes and
are working with the club
networks to develop their
offers, enabling them to grow
their women and girls’ sections.
Our investment into this area
has seen significant growth. We
have used some of this money
to build capacity in the Kia
Super League teams and
regions, creating community
legacy offers which will inspire
the next generation to start
their lifelong involvement in our
sport. We have a captive
audience within primary
schools and All Stars Cricket
will ensure that five– to
eight–year–old girls see cricket
as a sport for them at a much
earlier age.
We are connecting the game
from grass roots to
performance, and challenging
ourselves at every level, putting
our customer at the heart of our
decision making.
So this summer, be prepared,
because here come the girls!
Expect the Unexpected