EB!Z !NC. Sept issue | Page 31

to birth Your Computer Needs of Toledo, LLC on January 1, 2005.

Little was she aware that an Internet radio interview regarding her business would bring back the spark for her love of radio. She wa interviewed on the show regarding her business called The S-H-E-M-A Gurls show on blogtalkradio.com. She had never heard of blogtalkradio.com. As a result, she researched it and discovered it could advantageous for business promotions. It was suggested to her to have her own Internet radio talk show, but she had doubts. On a Monday in July 2009, the show “The Coach K Show” had a theme about THE TAKEOVER. This was the show that inspired her to finally decide to have her own Internet radio talk show. On the Saturday of that same week in July 2009, she launched “The Ms. Computer Lady Show.” Additional involvements include WDKK Radio, The Trilateral Radio Commission, and WWRN-Digital Broadcasting. To date, she has over 104,000 listeners, and her listeners include those in the United States, Canada, Australia, The Caribbean, England, and Africa.

She attends St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church where Rev. Dwight Gutridge is her Pastor. She is also the former Vice-President of the Hyde Park Neighborhood Association, one of the “Delicious Devastating Divas” who formerly co-hosted WDEP’s “A Woman’s Worth”, co-host of “Yes, You Do Matter”, a member of the Beta Gamma Chapter of the National Sorority

of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc.,
