A long , hot summer
Spanish state meteorological agency predicts above-average temperatures for July , August and September
Protestors highlight dangers of N340
Summer 2016 will be hotter and drier than usual in Spain , according to the state meteorological agency Aemet .
This follows a spring that was cooler and wetter than the average : during April the rainfall was 43 per cent higher than usual .
The prediction was made at the end of June by Aemet spokesperson Ana Casals and refers to July , August and September .
‘ It will be a long , hot summer ,’ she said .
But she added that it was too soon to predict whether 2016 will match last year ’ s heatwave .
Spring 2016 was the third coldest of the millennium , after 2004 and 2013 .
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A campaign to reduce accidents on the N340 has now been running for nearly a year .
The N340 suffers from heavy traffic and 15 people were killed on the Terres de l ’ Ebre stretch last year .
Campaigners want the AP7 toll road to be made free to take the pressure off the N340 .
Since autumn last year , campaigners have been holding weekly demonstrations on Thursday evenings at the L ’ Ametlla junction of the N340 , closing the road and usually causing long tailbacks .
Weekly updates about the road closures are on EbreConnect . cat .
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