Ebooks doTERRA Essential Oil Chemistry Handbook | Page 29

  Chapter 3: The Functional Groups and Their Functions 3.9 CONCLUSION Now that you’ve learned about functional groups and the terpene backbone, you are ready to move on to Parts 2 and 3 of this book. Part 2 contains the most detailed chemical information publicly available on every single oil currently offered by dōTERRA. Each oil’s func- tional group content, terpene content, and constituent composition is listed to help you characterize, compare, contrast, and categorize oils at your convenience. Part 3 contains detailed information on the chemical constituents mentioned in part 2. Part 3 details the usage and benefits of nearly a hundred different constituents and explains which oils those constituents can be found in, and in what quantities. While Part 1 was primarily focused on the general concepts under- lying essential oil chemistry, the rest of this book contains detailed information on every dōTERRA oil and its chemical constituents. 19