Ebook in Multitrama 2010 | Page 55

Lo sbarco probabilmente e' imminente, tutta la divisione e' in viaggio, le navi partite intorno alle 21 dai vari porti fanno rotta per la Francia. Dopo aver fatto cena, partecipi in silenzio alla riunione di staff per un rapido briefing. -USAAF'll drop lots of bombs on know that, it's a tough action, early morning with only one air goes wrong, just before landing of 30minutes of heavy bombing.- the beaches, I know and you an heavy shelling into the campain, well if something the Navy'll shell at least Qualcuno domanda-Only 30 minutes sir?-Well, I know, I know, ya! you know my position, I read the documents, I read your reports, I listened your suggestions, I talked too much, well, you know how many fucking genius are in the Operational Sectors, so guys, what can I say, 30 fucking minutes are much better than 29 fucking minutes or less. Dog sectors are smaller than fox and easy sectors. I hope our navy's guys'll do a good job with some smart accurate fire on nazy WNs.Altra domanda dal fondo della saletta. -what's the weather like on tomorrow morning, sir?-Well, I have no crystal ball, you know, but che Commander in Chief do, ya! He told me by phone good news, tomorrow morning it seems a sunny day, a good choice to go to the beach and have fun in France!Ampia risata corale nella saletta. Poi il generale continua dicendo-Well guys, now let's take a look on the right side of the beach there are lots of exits, but on the left side we have only 2 exits, each other are on the top of the beach. D1 is our exit, but you know the landing points are just in front of WNs nazy strong points.Qualcuno dello staff commenta-How lucky! sirAltra grossa risata corale compreso il generale ride. Poi aggiunge mettendo i diti a forma di V-Mmmhhh ya!, ya!, well watch out guys! Just remind it!, D1 it seems a "V" valley and D3 seems a "U" valley, dog white sands have no exits, ya!, you know our troops have to use D1 or D3 for the heavy equipments only.Qualcuno domanda-D3 is it the right exit for heavy equipment only, sir?Uno dalla saletta in fondo c