ebook_curadoria_digital_usp.pdf Curadoria Teste - May. 2014 | Page 39

Referências Bibliográficas JOHNSON, C. The information diet: A case for conscious consumption. O’Reilly Media, 2012. Kindle Edition. PARISER, E. The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You. Publisher: Penguin Press HC, 2011. Kindle Edition. ROGERS, S. Facts are sacred: The power of data. The Guardian Books, London, Kindle Edition, 2011. ROSENBAUNM, Steven. Curation nation: how to win in a world where consumers are creators. Nova York: McGrawHill, 2011. SCHLEINER, A.M. Fluidities and Oppositions among Curators, Filter Feeders and Future Artists. Intelligent Agent. Disponível em: http://www.intelligentagent.com/archive/v03[1].01.curation.schleiner.pdf. Acesso em: 14 fev. 2012. SKIENA, S.S. The Algorithm Design Manual, 2ª. ed., Springer-Veriag London, 2008. Turkle, S. Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other. Basic Books, 2011. WEINBERG, D. Too Big to Know. Basic Book. Kindle Edition, 2012. 39