EB5 Investors Magazine | Page 3

通向绿卡之路 A PATH TOWARD YOUR GREEN CARD 西雅图南港酒店 The Hotel at Southport, Lake Washington 西雅图家园区域中心为您精心打造的EB-5投资移民标准示范项目 AN EXEMPLAR EB-5 PROJECT BY SEATTLE FAMILY REGIONAL CENTER 南港酒店现已正式开工 Hotel at Southport now under construction 电话: 邮箱: 地址: +1 425 336 0126 (U.S.) (美国) +86 21 6381 8707 (China) (中国) [email protected] 1083 Lake Washington Blvd. N, Suite 50 Renton, WA 98056 www.seattlefamilyregionalcenter.com (U.S.) www.seattlefamilyrc.com (China) Disclaimer 免责声明 This advertisements not an offer to purchase or sell securities. The offering is made only pursuant to a private placement memorandum (PPM), which should be read in its entirety prior to any investment. As described in the PPM, the securities may be purchased only by "accredited" investors who meet certain minimum annual income or net worth thresholds; are being offered in reliance on an exemption from and without compliance with disclosure or content standards of the registration requirements of the Securities Act; cannot be re-sold except under extremely limited circumstances; and involve risk of loss of investment and immigration benefits. Neither the SEC nor any other governmental entity has passed upon the merits of or given its approval to the securities, the terms of the offering, or the accuracy or completeness of any offering materials. 本宣传广告并非买卖证券之要约。证券发售仅依据私募备忘录(以下简称 :“备忘录”),投资者应通读该备忘录。正如备忘录所述,证券仅供 满足 最低t年入及个人净值要求的授信投资人购买;证券发售依据《证券法》 下的豁免条款,并不符合《证券法》注册要求中的披露及内容准 则;除在 极为有限的情况下,证券不得转售;证券存在丧失所投资本及移民福利的 风险。美国证券交易委员会及其他政府机构均未对证券优 势、发售条款 、或发行材料的准确性或完整性作出推荐或认可。