"...make sure the
SWAP agent you find
in Vietnam can provide
the SOF documents for
the investors."
In general, Brazilians suffer from an almost 50 percent tax
burden on their income. There are 93 different taxes and fees
in Brazil, so it is common for most of the businesspeople and
high net worth individuals not to report all of their incomes
and assets to the Brazilian tax authorities. Exchange rates
have also changed dramatically in a short period of time.
To pay fewer taxes, Brazilians tend to keep moving their
capital from one investment to another, due to the relatively
high inflation rate and to protect themselves under elaborate
corporate structures.
Vietnam has a foreign exchange control. Investors have to find
a SWAP agent to exchange the money and wire to the U.S. It
costs an extra 1 percent to 5 percent. Recently, USCIS issued
more RFEs regarding the third-party SWAP. You have to make
sure the SWAP agent you find in Vietnam can provide the SOF
documents for the investors.
Like India, the country also has a large cash economy base.
Some property sales and dividends were paid in cash or
gold. Few records can prove these types of transactions.
Also, it takes a lot of effort to get the official records from the
requisite authority in Vietnam.
Path of funds is also a big problem. Some investors just keep
the money in a safe at their house. Some of them transfer
the money to four or five different bank accounts, making the
funds hard to trace.
Most of the documents required by USCIS for an EB-5
case can be easily obtained. There are no legal or business
structures that pose obstacles to obtaining documents
that are normally required for EB-5 cases. Many of the
governmental documents are available in English. However,
it may be advisable to inform South Korean EB-5 clients to
obtain documents in English in order to avoid delays and
translation costs.
There is a South Korean law about foreign currency that
permits EB-5 investors to wire funds for investment, provided
that there is documentary evidence showing the person will
be able to immigrate under the EB-5 investor category.