Continued from page 83
EB5 Investors Magazine: Is there any type of project
that you particularly dislike or that you would not want
your investors to be a part of?
Thomas: Nowadays, some people are referring to purchasing
stocks, and they prefer stocks. That is not secure in terms of an
EB-5 investment.
EB5 Investors Magazine: How many EB-5 investors have
you helped to immigrate to the United States?
Thomas: I cannot tell you exact numbers, but it would be a
considerable number.
EB5 Investors Magazine: Do any of your clients
come to you with a desire to immigrate, but choose
other countries? Where does the United States rank
in their interests?
Thomas: There is a huge range in our company – half and
half. U.S. investors represent half from our company on a regular
basis, and the other half would be those who choose Europe or
some other country.
EB5 Investors Magazine: What sets your migration
agency apart in regards to immigration in general and
EB-5 specifically?
Thomas: We are a fully subsidiary company and we have a
very good reputation in the market, so everybody tries to find
“If they intended to immigrate to
the States, they still want to go,
no matter if the policy will be
changed or if the investment
will be increased.”
us as an agent. They trust us, knowing that our company will
not cross them, and will be fully responsible for the client if
something happens in the future. Of course, we have a good
team of people working in the organization. There is a lot of
long-term service for the client, because we have to look over
the file for maybe six to seven years after they reach permanent
residency status.
EB5 Investors Magazine: Concerning EB-5, and how you
try to minimize risk, what do you think of the proposed
legislative changes? What impact do you think that has
on clients?
Thomas: It’s hard to tell. I don’t know what will happen after
December 11th. Maybe the investment will be raised or some
rules will be changed. Looking back to two to three months ago,
people tried to get on the last train as soon as possible, but after
September 30th, they were kind of waiting. They just wanted
to see what happened, and make sure – they were waiting until
after December.
EB5 Investors Magazine: How do you think it will affect
the reputation of the EB-5 program for your clients if a
legislative decision continues to be pushed back?
Thomas: Let’s go back to the history. Every country that issues
or opens an immigration policy for a certain period, they will
keep close watch and make a change, and perhaps a policy that is
a little too harsh will be passed. That is the regular situation. Just
like Canada. Nobody was forcing anyone. Then the government
just cut all the applications.
EB5 Investors Magazine: Do you think that the interest
will still be high for EB-5?
Thomas: If they intended to immigrate to the States, they
still want to go, no matter if the policy will be changed or if the
investment will be increased. They will think about – they are
concerned about - their children first. This is their first priority:
they think about their children. People go to the States all the
time. They can’t work in China, so they will lose a lot of money.
The priority is simply put on the children. If they have a great
shot, they do not care about losing money. If they think they
cannot go to the States, then they think maybe I can go to
Australia, or maybe I can go to Canada later on.