Publisher’s Note
The past few months have been turbulent for the EB-5
program. Leading up to the recent one-year extension
language (which will be in the omnibus bill) extending the
program through September 30, 2016, the EB-5 Regional
Center Program has passed through scrutiny from policymakers and the press. I have seen the increased exposure bring
daily more eyes, ears, pens, and opinions focused on what the
EB-5 program is, why it exists, and whether it should stay.
Ali Jahangiri
The reality is that the program is extremely popular and
that EB-5 is a growing industry. The industry represents
economic growth with zero dollars from the U.S. Taxpayer. This is a no-brainer. The
industry has gone from 150 regional centers when we started EB5 Investors Magazine
to over 780 to-date. Since we serve as a reliable information source in the marketplace,
many new industry players seek our help. Over the last year we have helped more
regional centers, attorneys and third party service providers enter into the marketplace.
From personal experience, I can feel the growth of our industry. Interestingly enough,
there is now even a secondary market for EB-5 securities.
As the program starts a new year and a new chapter, we have a fresh opportunity
to welcome transparency, correct misconceptions, and promote accurate knowledge
about the EB-5 program. This has always, and will continue to be, the mission of EB5
Investors Magazine.
I am pleased to introduce an issue featuring legislative analysis of the current state of
the EB-5 program. A feature article also addresses some of the misinformed criticism
of the program seen in the media over the past few months. Our authors factually
walk readers step-by-step through the application process – a process of scrutiny
involving multiple levels of government agencies more extensive than that of any other
immigrant class.
As we all work together to strengthen the industry, an article on understanding EB-5
project financing and loan structure simplifies a critical, fundamental concept.
Our articles also examine the program’s growing appeal to markets like Vietnam and
Brazil, highlighting important cultural and practical factors helpful when working with
investors from these regions.
Over the next year, our combined mission as EB-5 stakeholders will be two-fold:
(1) to create permanency for the program, in order to prevent turbulence, and (2) to
expand the visa numbers. We currently have a growing backlog that no one is addressing. The over-popularity of the program will only continue to add to this backlog. We
need to work so that future legislation removes family derivatives from the 10,000
visa count. I am encouraged that we can do this together. The EB-5 program moves
forward with a renewed commitment to the historic American value of welcoming
immigrant contributions joined with proven economic development and job creation.
And that is a legacy the EB-5 industry can be proud to support and pursue in 2016.
Ali Jahangiri
EdItoRIaL tEam
Peishan Li
Mary Trease
EdItoRIaL BoaRd
Scott Barnhart
Enrique Gonzalez
David Hirson
Patrick Hogan
Kate Kalmykov
Jor Law
Linda Lau
Henry Liebman
Joseph McCarthy
Susan Pilcher
Bill Stenger
Cletus Weber
Stephen Yale-Loehr
Congressman Mark Amodei
Jon Baker
Scott Barnhart
Angel Brunner
Dillon Colucci
Enrique Gonzalez
Kaitlin Halloran
Abbas Hashmi
David Hirson
Mark Katzoff
Robert Kraft
Brandon Meyer
Winnie Ng
Angelo Paparelli
Steve Park
Congressman Jared Polis
Christopher Robertson
Dennis Rodrigues
Jacob Stein
Reid Thomas
Christian Triantaphyllis
Gregory White
Creative directors
Mark & Gisela Swift
Matthew Kurtz
Adrian Pomery
Josiah Waters
Rich Zhang
Brian Zhao
Kamyar Amiri-Davani
Kristi Carlson
Cammie Chirino
EB5 Investors Magazine
96 Discovery
Best regards,
EB5 Investors Magazine is a publication of
Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright Outclick Media. All rights reserved.
EB5 Investors Magazine is printed several times per year by Outclick Media.
Address all subscription correspondence to EB5 Investors Magazine,
96 Discovery, Irvine, CA, 92618. Please allow at least six weeks for change
of address. Include your old address as well as new, and if possible,
enclose an address label from your recent issue.
Ali Jahangiri, CEO