EB5 Investors Magazine Volume 3 Issue 3 | Page 49

It is critical that investors and brokers look at the general partner of the partnership (or managing member of the company). Given that regional centers or general partners can be rented for a nominal cost, it is important to distinguish between the two and clearly identify which will serve as the investors’ fiduciary. Who is the person, or the group of people, that is truly responsible for protecting the investors? What is their history and background in this capacity? EB-5 is a very challenging business – and this is probably why, out of approximately 800 licensed regional centers, an incredibly small percentage (less than five percent) is actually successful in raising funds year after year. EB-5 cannot be done as a hobby or as a side job. It is important to have separate in-house teams performing a wide array of functions, including underwriting, asset management, investor relations, legal, marketing, and sales. A direct investment structured for the individual EB-5 investor. Too often, investors and brokers place their focus on individual projects. When an investor or a broker first asks us about the regional center, the due diligence process, and the track record, it is a good sign. On the other hand, when an investor or broker immediately focuses on the project, it is cause for concern. EB-5 is a long and complicated process, and investors need to be protected throughout the process – from investment to repayment. Thus, the regional center team is just as important as the project itself. Of course, strong projects are of the utmost importance, as they ultimately lead to the creation of jobs and the return of capital. However, strong regional centers beget strong projects, and if you are a reputable regional center with a track record of EB-5 success, then developers with exemplary projects will seek you out as a source of capital. Ultimately, this advantage will translate into greater security for the investors. Titanium Coating Services For More Information on PVD Coating Project and to attend a presentation please email at [email protected] or call 562-207-8404. EB-5 is incredibly challenging, and requires a talented team to execute properly. The values that we hold are the ones that are critical to long-term success in this business. Due diligence is paramount; the investors’ safety always comes first; and our integrity is our greatest strength. Success breeds success, and EB-5 success stories can always be tied back to the experience and track record of the regional center. This has not changed with any of the legislation over the years, nor will it change with any of the legislation to come in the near future. ★ Angelique Brunner is the Founder and President of EB5 Capital, one of the earliest USCIS-authorized regional centers, and is considered an expert in the industry and a strong advocate for the EB-5 Program as a tool for economic development. She serves on the Board of Directors for Invest in the USA (IIUSA) and was the Inaugural Chair of IIUSA’s Policy Committee. Brunner is a frequent speaker on behalf of the industry. Angelique Brunner WWW.EB5INVESTORS.COM 47