Seminar Center
EB5 Investors Magazine mingled with experts and novices
alike at the EB-5 Regional Center Development and Investors
Procurement Seminar hosted by Artisan Business Group, Inc.
on Dec. 4, 2013 in Los Angeles. The event featured Kevin
Wright, Bernard Wolfsdorf, David Hirson, Michael Homeier,
and Brian Su as speakers on topics ranging from basic job
creation requirements to the intricacies of securities regulations. The seminar also featured Jason Li, of Cansine Group
China, who shared his experience of marketing EB-5 projects
in China. The event was a great opportunity to network with
longtime players in the EB-5 industry, as well as individuals
and groups just beginning the EB-5 journey. Targeted at new
and experienced developers, the event provided key takeaway
points to those looking to establish an EB-5 Regional Center or
project and market it overseas.
Brian Su
Jeff Carmichael
Bart Jackson, Bernard Wolfsdorf
Michael Homeier and attendee
Jun Li, David Hirson
Mark Irvin, Tyler DuBusky
E B 5 I n v esto rs M ag a z ine
John Montagh