A Talk
with the
EB5 Investors Magazine sat down with TEA
guru Elliot Winer to discuss what qualifies as a
targeted employment area, state differences in
designation processes, and his own experiences working with TEAs in the EB-5 program. He
also offers his thoughts on gerrymandering—is
the process of drawing TEA boundaries a way
to circumvent the economy-boosting goal of
the program for the personal financial goals of
project developers, or is this sort of flexibility
necessary and healthy for the program? As the
former twelve-year chief economist and director of economic analysis for the Massachusetts
Department of Workforce Development, and
the current chief economist of the Northeast
Economic Analysis Group (NEEAG), Winer is the
go-to expert on TEA designations.
E B 5 I n v e s to r s M ag a z i n e