Eb5 Investors Magazine Top25 edition 2023; Issue 10:1 | Page 91

Insights on business plan writing for a successful EB-5 application

Investors can follow these steps to minimize risks and potentially reap the benefits of the EB-5 program .
By Marta Lillo

In the dynamic world of U . S . business immigration , business plan writing can make or break an application .

Matt Khalili , CEO and founder of Plan Writers , offers insight to investors seeking to navigate the complex web of EB-5 requirements since he started his firm in 2017 , headquartered in El Segundo , Calif . His main goal is to provide sound , USCIS-compliant business plans for EB-5 . Khalili has found that clients are requiring as much guidance as quality writing services . Rooted in his journey as an entrepreneur , he understands the challenges faced by business owners seeking residency in the U . S .
" We really dig deep into the essence and spirit of the program and really help immigrants who aren ' t well versed in this country to see viable business opportunities in the U . S .," says Khalili .