Eb5 Investors Magazine Top25 edition 2023; Issue 10:1 | Page 104

Two sons , two different EB-5 journeys for an Indian family

The EB-5 journey of the Patel family transformed their life , offering them the opportunities and security they had always hoped for their children , they said .
By Anayat Durrani

To say the EB-5 Immigrant Investor program wasn ’ t on the radar of the Patel * family isn ’ t a stretch . Living in India , Mr . Patel worked as a successful financial analyst and his wife managed a successful steel manufacturing business . Like many well-off Indian families , they sent their kids to the U . S . to attend university . It wasn ’ t until both of their sons expressed an interest in permanent career opportunities in the U . S . that the wheels were set in motion . The Patels unknowingly were enroute to an introduction to the popular EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program .

Their older son , who studied a Masters of Fine Arts at NYU , wanted to pursue his lifelong dream of a career in acting and screenwriting . Their younger son , who had a bachelor ’ s degree in computer science from UCLA and worked with a design studio in New York as a part of his Optional Practical Training ( OPT ), aspired to be an entrepreneur .
“ We knew that in India the future for children seeking a career as an entrepreneur or in fine arts was full of uncertainties , whereas USA provided better and diverse opportunities in these areas ,” says Mr . Patel . “ Next logical question and the main area of concern for the whole family was how to get them ready to work in the USA .”
The Patels began to look into their options . They noted that for their older son all film and theater production houses required a valid work authorization or a permanent resident card before offering any work . And then their younger son had no interest in working in a company as an employee , which meant the H-1B route was off the table . In addition , Mr . Patel says obtaining any other work visa for a performing artist or the lottery based H1-B visa for a computer science graduate “ was a very long and a tiring process that may or may not get you the Green Card .”
" The EB-5 program offered a chance for us to obtain a U . S . green card for our children by investing money in a jobcreating venture in the United States ."