EB5 Investors Magazine English Edition Volume 6, Issue 2 | Page 87

of outside counsel, the company shall have the right, notwithstanding receipt of the certification, to consummate the proposed redeployment projec t if failing to do so would be contrar y to applicable law or be deemed a breach of the company’s fiduciar y duties to the disbursed subscribers.” By accepting the grant of such rights—and this is a precautionar y note to foreign migration agents—one c ould arg u e that any fore ig n mig r ation ag e n t that negotiates for the types of rights noted above may be taking on the same fiduciar y duties of care and loyalt y, and thus the attendant liabilities for any breach thereof, that the GP owes to its investors. "granting such rights to foreign agents quite possibly affords these agents even greater rights with respect to a redeployment decision than limited partners themselves may be granted in the NCE’s limited partnership agreement" In the example above, the foreign migration agent negotiated for the right to receive notice and t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to c o n s u l t w i t h t h e N C E a n d i t s E B - 5 i n ve s to r s regarding any contemplated r e d e p l oy m e n t p r o j e c t s . T h o u g h ultimately this sample provision permits the NCE to effect a redeployment despite investor revolt if not doing so would constitute a breach of its fiduciary duties, this provision makes clear that the role of the migration agent can ex tend far beyond merely identifying or procuring investors. I n f a c t , g r a n t i n g s u c h r i g h t s to foreign agents quite possibly af fords these agents even greater rights with respect to a redeployment decision than limite d par tne rs the mselves may be granted in the NCE’s limited par tnership agreement. Ultimately, courts may be tasked with determining whether fo re i g n m i g r a ti o n ag e n ts owe investors fiduciar y duties, but the role of agents within redeployment cer tainly should include the obligation that they act in the best interests of the E B - 5 i nve s to r s t h e y r e c r u i te d into the deal. The agent’s role s h o u l d i n c l u d e c o n d u c ti n g a n objective review of potential redeployment projects, weighing the perceived risks and benefits of such projects and disclosing a n y p o te n t i a l c o n f l i c t s o f i n te r e s t , i n c l u d i n g a n y additional compensation payable to agents, if any, during the extended “at risk” period of redeployment. EB5INVESTORS.COM 87