EB5 Investors Magazine English Edition Volume 6, Issue 2 | Page 129

Attendees enjoyed the conference. "South Korea was a good event for us,” said Adrian Po m e r y, dire c to r of s tr ate gic d eve lo p m e n t at O n e Lily Pad , a California - base d franchise f inance and development firm. “ We were able to establish some valuable connections and there was sincere interest in what we are offering. EB5 Investors continues to put on well-run events that provide high value for both networking and education.” Attorney Julien Tétrault of JTH Lawyers Inc. called the Seoul expo “a fine success.” who shared informative insights. I managed to make new, fruitful contacts and share notes with my fellow industry members.” Orestis Katsaros, business development manager of Leptos Estates in Cyprus, agreed. “The conferenced held by EB5 Investors Magazine and Uglobal in South Korea was indeed a great success,” he said. “ We thoroughly enjoyed our par ticipation as panelists and we benefited greatly by connecting with professionals of the sector and from the high - level discussions of the panels.” “We had a full house,” he added. “Everything was well o rga nize d , to pic s we re o n p oin t an d th e s p eake r s were key players within their respec tive industries EB5INVESTORS.COM 129