Brazilian EB-5 Investor En Route
to New Life in the United States
Andre Oliver, who recently graduated with an MBA from a California University,
did his own due diligence and advises others to do the same.
By Bradley Zint, EB5 Investors Magazine Staff
or Brazil native Andre Oliver, he says his early years
spent in America were among the best in his life.
He attended high school as a foreign exchange student
in South Carolina and later lived in Hawaii, chasing the
waves. He enjoyed a taste of the American Dream.
So, years later when the 4 3 - year- old learned about
the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, it came as no
surprise that he saw it as a way to stay in the United
States permanently this time around.
In 2014, his family sold an industrial construc tion
business they had star ted back in Sao Paulo,
Brazil. Oliver later worked as a commercial director
for another company before going into a wealth
management venture with his father.
H e thoug h t bac k on his time in the U ni te d S tates ,
where he played basketball and soccer for his high
school. He decided he wanted to go back to the land
of the free and continue his education with a master’s
“I appreciate the United States a lot,” Oliver said. “It
was a big part of me.”
I n 2 0 16 , h e a p p l i e d t o a M a s t e r o f B u s i n e s s
Administration program at the University of Southern
California in Los Angeles. It was a mid - career
executive program, accelerated for one year of study.
He recently graduated with his MBA and is now looking
for jobs.
During his studies at USC, Oliver was motivated to
apply for EB-5 after a friend had done it. He set himself
to learn all about it, reading, by his own estimation, 400
pages on the program. He did his own due diligence.
“If I really focus on something, I know how to structure
a problem in order to solve it,” he said. “I’m not afraid
to study and take the time it takes.”
Based on his research , Oliver decided to make his
investment through CanAm Enterprises, a New York-
base d re g io nal c e n te r. H is m o n ey is p oise d to g o
toward The Spiral, a sk yscraper office tower under
construction in Manhat tan. He filed his I -529 in
S e p te m b e r. G e t ting to that p oin t , O live r admi t te d ,
wasn’t easy.
“There were too many projects,” he said.