from the EB-5 community included Austin Fragomen of
Fragomen Worldwide; H. Ronald Klasko of Klasko Immigration Law Partners; and Peter Joseph of IIUSA.
The forum offered ample opportunities for exchanging
information, ideas and building relationships. Following
the forum’s first day, attendees also enjoyed a steam boat
cruise on Lake Geneva with a cocktail reception, buffet
dinner, and live music.
“Dr. Joseph Muscat, prime
minister of Malta, emphasized
that, ‘in the investment
immigration industry, we
must define ourselves, or
others will do it for us.’”
The event showcased the IMC’s real desire to unite around
strengthening the investment migration industry, and participants sensed that their presence was instrumental in supporting the IMC’s neutral role in this important endeavor.
s its first ma-
The IMC also wel-
jor event, the
Investment Migra-
tion Council (“IMC”)
cials to the confer-
hosted the Invest-
ence to discuss their
ment Migration Forum
countries’ investment
June 6-8 at the Grand
Hotel Kempinski in Geneva, Switzerland. The year-old
nonprofit held the forum with
an aim to increase transparency and
encourage best practices within the global
and strategies. Officials
included: Dr. Joseph Muscat,
prime minister of Malta; Gaston
Browne, prime minister of Antigua
and Barbuda; and Domenico Manzione,
investment migration industry.
State Undersecretary of the Italian Minister of Interior.
IMC’s forum welcomed over 250 leading investment immi-
Muscat, prime minister of Malta, emphasized that, “in
gration stakeholders and government officials. As one at-
the investment immigration industry, we must define our-
tendee mentioned, the forum had a very “UN-type” feel,
selves, or others will do it for us.” He went on to say that
with participants from across continental Europe, Cyprus,
the ideal scenario to imagine when a country introduces an
Malta, the Middle East, the Caribbean, the United King-
investor immigration program is when the country doesn’t
dom, China and the United States.
need it economically. “That will make it easier to make
tougher decisions,” he continued, “uphold transparency,
A cocktail reception overlooking Lake Geneva kicked off
standards, and to remove politicians from the puzzle.”
the event. Bruno L’ecuyer, IMC’s chief executive and secretary of the governing board, welcomed guests to the
Muscat’s message embodies the forum’s overarching
IMC forum. L’ecuyer emphasized that, “the IMC’s goal is to
theme: to bring together investment immigration pro-
bring together the investment immigration industry, and
fessionals to promote education, unity, transparency and
provide an unbiased advocate for transparency.”
fairness for investment immigration programs worldwide.
Several panels highlighted the need for the investment
Conference speakers represented investment immigration
immigration industry to self-regulate, to promote best
programs from all over the world. Attorneys, a handful of
practices and to disseminate transparent and accurate in-
migration agents, developers, and due diligence profes-
formation to the public.
sionals all shared their expertise. Well-known speakers