EB5 Investors Magazine Chinese Edition, Volume 3, Issue 3 | Page 66

MCFI面向全球EB-5投 资人新推出两个项目。 作为马里兰州首家区域 中心,我们的团队由在 移民和全球投资管理领 域拥有25多年经验的专 家组成。 我们有能力为投资者甄 选拥有最优风险回报率 的项目。我们为造价 5.6亿的马里兰活力! 博彩中心项目成功募集 1亿美元的资金。 威斯特伐利亚城镇中心项目 位于华盛顿特区 • 745所住宅单元 & 30,000平方英尺零售区域 www.mcfirc.com [email protected] ©2016 The names and logos are registered trademarks of Walton International Group Inc. Obtain the Property Report or its equivalent, required by Federal and State Law and read it before signing anything. No Federal or State agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. All features, dimensions, drawings, renderings, plans and specifications are conceptual, may not accurately represent the actual condition of the development and are subject to change without notice. The information provided in this advertisement is strictly for informational purposes and shall not be construed as an offer to sell real property. Sales terms and prices are established by builders and subject to change without notice. 2/16 威斯特伐利亚城镇中心是一个占地110英亩,由住宅,豪华酒店及 购物中心组成的综合房地产项目。 EB-5优先担保债券 传奇海湾博彩中心项目 位于内华达州斯帕克斯市 • 占地70,000平方英尺,由博彩中和 两间高级酒店组成 传奇海湾博彩中心是集博彩,餐 饮,住宿,现场表演为一体的级 休闲度假场所。 EB-5优先担保债券 65 eb5投资者杂志 EB5INVESTORS.CN 66