EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 July Issue | Page 27

element of luck. It is important that the student selects a variety of universities of varying calibre but which have the courses they seek and an environment that they feel they can ?t into. The important message we give our kids is that they are not a failure if they do not get into the university of their choice, provided they had put in their best efforts. The important fact is to assure your child that you are not de?ned by just your college you got into but what you made of your experience in college, whether Ivy League or not. own conclusions without so much “drama” involved. However, the trick is not to push our thoughts down their throats. It is like playing a string instrument. The right pressure is the most important. Whenever possible, we incorporate knowledge learning by getting them into camps, summer schools, and internships as part of their summer holidays and even discussions over dinner tables but balance them with fun stuff or they will dread their holidays as if it is just academics and might rebel internally, if not externally. Have you been planning for your kids to enrol in the Ivy Leagues or top universities before they were even born? Or has this been a gradual process or, perhaps, your kids’ wish? Do you have any tips to share with parents and hopeful students who are looking forward to submit their application into these sought-after institutions? Never. Actually, as they are Danish citizens, they would have free universities in Denmark and reduced fees in UK, so until Sophia was in Grade 10, that was the plan. However, our European friends choose to send their kids to the US and after hearing the advantages of US education, we changed our mind at the last minute and have not regretted it, even though it is more timeconsuming and a competitive process. We had visited almost 60 universities in the UK and the US. Start early to prepare yourself for SAT and ACT exams. Look at what these universities look for, be involved in interesting projects, keep track of your academic performance as GPA is one of the six considerations, show demonstrated interest in the institution you apply and the passion you claim to have. Keep healthy! US universities look for your pro?le as from Grade 9 and sees the pattern of consistency and interest. Undeniably, a student’s grades depend largely on themselves but it is important for a parent to be actively involved in their kids’ academic and learning lives. How have you involved yourself in your kids’ academics and guided them to become the teenagers they are today? We believe that the child’s formative years are in the ?rst 10 years and it is when we parents need to guide and impart our core values to them. Once they reached middle school, their peers’ opinions are more important. If they already know and are convinced with what their path and purpose in life is and able to critically think and self-re?ect, they will themselves arrive at their During the whole journey, were there any memorable moments? Like, a speci?c obstacle that you and your children went through together? Or it could be something that you will look back to, laugh and agree that the whole journey was really worth it. There are many obstacles but what we can remember is when the computer broke down and a 4,000 word essay has to be re-written from scratch. Never leave things to the last minute. Remember Murphy’s Law! Save your data! The memorable moment is, after six months of sweat and tears, they ?nished the last application and pressed “Send”. EASYUNI Guide 2013 25