EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 July Issue | Page 15
You might want to consider the type of schedule and work
environment that you would have envisioned working in. Work
in a fully air-conditioned of?ce or be more on the ground like
being a civil engineer whose job includes ?eld work under the
scorching sun, or a doctor who deals with all kinds of sicknesses
and must be on-call all the time. Sometimes it just looks good on
paper or appears cool in a TV drama series. Get practical and see
clearly what the job really offers.
If you’re stuck or even feel being ‘controlled’ by your parents to
pursue certain courses, ?rst of all, don’t blame them. They are
just people who love you and want you to live life comfortably.
Sometimes, it is hard to argue against parents’ concerns when
they are the ones who will be funding your studles abroad.
Maybe you will turn out to like what you do if given a chance.
You never know.
a president. Have you ever watched a Walt Disney movie? Walt
Disney himself was actually ?red by a newspaper editor because
“he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” Today, Disney’s
revenue is in billions garnered from merchandise, movies and
theme parks located around the world. Following your passion is
just a starter. The key to success is hard work.
If you are still confused and unsure of what you are interested in,
try some personality tests to help steer you to the right direction.
It will evaluate your skills, personality, strengths, and weaknesses,
and give you a list of suggested occupations. You could dig up
some possibilities that you have not considered before. Step out
to develop your passion. When you have shortlisted the careers
associated with your passion, you can then narrow down the
courses to pursue.
Being Successful Following a Passion
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