EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 6 | Page 60

CO L LE GE CO RNER Benefits of Volunteering in College For most people, entering college or university is when they, for the first time ever, live alone and are away from the family. Exams, assignments, and papers – along with parties, hanging out at cafés and stuff– all make for an exciting and hectic student life. More so for those with part-time jobs. Still, you may want to try a few things that can affect your adult life and help build a brilliant career. 58 easyuni Guide 2015 Issue 6 Volunteering, for instance, is definitely a great way to discover yourself while making a difference. Spending a few hours a week helping out a local school for disadvantaged children, promote awareness on tuberculosis or go on a green mission for the environment. Some volunteer programmes let you travel, develop yourself and explore the world while helping to improve the lives of others. Here are some reasons why you should consider volunteering during your college years.