EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 2 | Page 8

CO U R S E S & C A REERS ENGINEERING  Why choose engineering Laying the foundation for your career In a nutshell, engineers are problemsolvers, organisers, communicators, calculators and designers. They are capable of clearly defining a problem and its relevant constraints (such as time, cost, etc.) and providing a simple solution. A senior engineer will usually perform less technical work (calculations and designs) but instead focus on managing a project or team of engineers. As society grows, improves and develops, engineers play a vital role to make necessary and inevitable changes to create a sustainable and better world to live in. 6 easyuni Guide 2013 Issue 2 In the field of engineering, math and sciences are combined to solve real-world problems. What separates an engineer with other problem-solver is that he or sh