EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 2 | Page 43
Good memory
Being a lawyer requires you
to study and memorise all the
different laws in the judiciary
system. There are plenty of laws
in the Malaysian judiciary system
and you have to memorise and
remember every single one of
them. This is because you will
need to use any of them in
different matters, especially during
court cases. There are different
laws for different legal affairs.
Needless to say, you need to be
well-versed with all the laws. You
have to familiarise yourself with
every single of them.
A problem-solver
When your friends have problems, do you find yourself puzzling over how
to solve them? Are you good at analysing problems and coming up with
solutions? Do note that some legal cases can be more complicated than a
Sudoku puzzle, but if you like the challenge, you will like law.
Willingness to serve others
Being a lawyer is a public service. You must be willing to listen to your clients
and offer them your best services. You might earn some fame (or notoriety) as
a lawyer, but firmly keep in mind that your clients – and the law – come first.
Persistent and patient
Ever won prizes for debating
competitions? You might be
fit for the legal profession. The
best lawyers will fight tooth
and nail to make their case and
convince the judge and jury that
they’re right. If you thrive in such
challenges and feel that a career
in sales (or politics) isn’t for you,
consider becoming a lawyer.
A good negotiator
If you are new and want to get
something done at your first few
attempts, forget it. Be persistent until
you succeed. You need to write letter
after letter to help your clients settle
their matters. Perseverance would keep
you from surrendering or backing out
if obstacles and problems keep coming
your way – and drive you towards
solving your clients’ problems.
Lawyers also negotiate
daily, whether with their
own clients, insurance
company or other parties.
You could be negotiating
contracts for athletes, or
negotiating for lighter
punishments for your
clients who plead guilty.
Also, be prepared to spend your time
waiting to get things done. For instance,
courthouses can take their time to fix a
date for your case. If you are filing for
appeals, you have to wait for the results,
too. Whatever you do, be patient.
A good listener
Has someone ever shared
their problems with
you and asked for your
advice? Do you listen
patiently to them? If you
are the type of person
that spends your time
listening to your friends’
problems, then a career in
law definitely suits you.
easyuni Guide 2013
Issue 2