EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 2 | страница 3

Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 2 C o nt e nt s Page 18 Popular IT courses. Will one suit you? There would be vast job opportunities out there in IT as you graduate. Will one of these courses suit you? 20 Current and future trends in IT careers Having bright prospects, these IT careers might be your choice in the future! Cool Tech 22 Top 10 gadgets and sites to make you a classroom ace Courses & Careers 03 A day in the life of a doctor In a nutshell, when you become a doctor, you are dedicating yourself to the benefit of mankind. What could be nobler than that? 06 Why choose engineering: Laying the foundation for your career Engineers are problem-solvers, organisers, communicators, calculators and designers 10 The changing world of accountants: Why accountancy is among the hottest professions In accounting, you have a wide selection of fields and areas of practice to choose from. 14 First step towards successful entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship can be fun and fulfilling underneath that “all work and no play” exterior portrayed by famous businessmen and women It would be smart to equip yourself with gadgets and tricks in ICT to ensure that you would be the best of the best 24 Tech Now! Latest techs and gadgets unveiled 26 What do scientists do? Science ignites passion, instils curiosity in learning, encourages the belief in endless possibilities and plenty of other positive attributes we should all have 30 The many ways you can 44 Architecture: Art or science? Without either one of these, a building is half complete Studying Abroad 48 New Ze aland: Your first choice for world class education Financing Your Study 52 10 steps towards getting financial aid for tertiary education Not everyone has the means to pay their own way through college, and this is where financial aid can help Orientation 54 University is not just about the degree College degree is merely a piece of paper. Now, how far of a truth is that? Does any sort of academic degree define their holders? 57 Are you actually ready for love? The pros and cons of falling in love at college master your creative field Unlike the earlier years, demand and new fields have opened doors to many opportunities Star Achievers 37 Team EcoCell emerges Champion at HSBC Young Entrepreneur Challenge 2012 60 Working part-time while Exclusive Feature Many enjoy their college lives where they work and study at the same time, reaping the benefits of both! 40 Do you have what it takes in college – getting the best of both worlds to be a lawyer? Want to be a lawyer but not sure if you have the required qualifications or character? Time to do some self-examination. 62 Staying Fit Excelling as a student also means giving 100 per cent physically, mentally and spiritually. easyuni Guide 2013 Issue 2 1