EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 Issue 2 | Page 19

CO U R S E S & C A REERS Facts to know So, you finally have an awesome idea to start a business. Now, how and where to start? Do not fret. There are some useful tools out there on how to set up a business. Also, starting an online business is highly recommended, as it is the best and easier way to learn about the world of business, and if you want to earn income at your convenience, from anywhere and at any time. Here’s some useful information: Getting Started 101  How do I register my business? The official Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) has a free downloadable guideline in PDF format on how to register a new business. Here is the link: http://www.ssm. com.my/files/GUIDELINES%20 FOR%20REGISTRATION%20 OF%20NEW%20BUSINESS.pdf the best way  What ismy product to to deliver customers? The more and frequently used mail and courier services used by businesses to deliver parcels nationwide include UPS, TNT, GDEX, CityLink Express, DHL, FedEx Express and national courier Poslaju. Please read their websites to find out which can provide the best services for your needs. would like business  IChoose from to start an online (and even blogs) out there. Figure out whether you the many domains want a paid or free domain. The cost of managing a paid domain may vary, but if you are a newbie in this area, better opt for the free domains first. Blogshops (blogging + shopping domain) are trending these days due to their popularity, simplicity and effectiveness, especially among teenagers and young adults, so try it out and see how it goes. Pick from Wordpress, BlogSpot or even Tumblr! easyuni Guide 2013 Issue 2 17