Some Popular Universities in Asia
offering courses in Hospitality Studies
University of Hong Kong
Ranked 20th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.hku.hk
Scholarships (partial list): - AIA Foundation Scholarship
- Bank of China (Hong Kong)
- HKU Students Scholarship
Nanyang Technological University
Ranked 36th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.ntu.edu.sg
Scholarships (partial list): - International Enterprise Singapore’s Young Talent Program
- Yayasan MENDAKI Scholarship
- Kuok Foundation Undergraduate Awards
University of Queensland
Ranked 40th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.uq.edu.au
Scholarships (partial list): - UQ International Scholarship
- UQ Academic Scholarship
- Australia Awards Scholarship
Tsinghua University
Ranked 41th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.tsinghua.edu.cn
Scholarships (partial list): - Tuition Scholarship of Tsinghua University (International students)
- Chinese Government Scholarship
- Beijing Government Scholarship
Monash University
Ranked 43th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.monash.edu.au
Scholarships (partial list): - Accounting and Finance Honours Scholarship
- Monash International Merit Scholarship
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Ranked 77th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.polyu.edu.hk
Scholarships (partial list): - HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund – Talent Development Scholarship 2013/14
Singapore Management University
Ranked 116th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.smu.edu.sg
Scholarships (partial list): - Tanoto Scholarship
- Lee Foundation Student Life Scholarship
The University of Western Australia
Ranked 144th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.uwa.edu.au
Scholarships (partial list): - Australia Foundation Scholarships
- UWA Scholarships
- Commonwealth Scholarships
Victoria University of Wellington
Ranked 148th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.victoria.ac.nz
Scholarships (partial list): - ASEAN Scholarships
- New Zealand Development Scholarship
Nanjing University
Ranked 173th in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management
Website: www.nju.edu.cn/html/eng
Scholarships (partial list): - China Government Scholarship
- Nanjing Government Scholarship
Source: www.topuniversities.com
Note: The above rankings are based on Top 400 World University Ranking by Subject 2013 - Social Sciences and Management.
The Social Sciences and Management studies are the nearest subject to Hospitality studies, categorised under the Social Sciences and Management faculty.
easyuni Guide 2014
Issue 2