EASYUNI Ultimate University Guide 2013 2014: Issue 2 | Page 20

CO U R S E S & C A REERS Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) programme is a qualification for finance and investment professionals offered internationally by the American-based CFA Institute. Those keen on investment management and the financial analysis of stocks, bonds and their derivative assets would be particularly interested in this programme, which focuses on general finance, portfolio management and financial analysis. Completion of the programme will entitle the CFA holder to the title of “CFA charter” and become a “CFA charterholder”. Career Options: Professionals with CFA certification have the upper hand when applying for senior positions in the investment management, financial services and securities research industries. Certain financial advisor roles also require its candidates to be a CFA charterholder. Entry Requirements: A university degree is required for enrolment into a CFA programme. However, those with a minimum of four years’ experien