This is a question I have come to value over the course of answering , as it is one that I have never asked myself or thrown much thought to before . Possibly because I could never recall a moment were I was made to feel as though I was more capable of accomplishing something because of being a ‘ woman ’. Instead I feel as though I can walk the line between sexes , possessing traits of both a stereotypical male and female contemporaneously . So in light of possessing such a high degree of initial neutralism on the question , I decided to research what made others proud to be a woman , in hope of drawing on their views for a more concentrated response . Though , when sifting through the responses I found none I could personally identify with . These were answers such as “ emotionally stronger ”, “ ability to multi-task ” or “ ability to bring new life ”. I would consider myself as a feminist when asked , however , I believe more strongly in its fundamental form of equality . I didn ’ t believe that I could do these things better because I was female . So instead I asked myself what makes me proud , free of gender specifics . I am proud that we , unlike other linages , will go to extreme lengths to care for members of our species who are weak . We do not abandon them . On this micro-level we are somewhat defying survival of the fittest , something so deeply programed into all life , to instead favor kindness and compassion . Moreover , we at times aspire to care for other animal species though it serves us no direct or immediate benefit to do so . Our ability to be somewhat be irrational in our choice of values makes me proud to be apart of the human race whether that be male , female or both .