Fill & Play Equipment
Many of Easy Kleen’s customers have come to realize the pressure washer
is only one part of the cleaning package. Now you can design a hassle free
system that you simply fill with fuel, water and chemical to put on your
truck, trailer, train, barge or simply move around the site with a forklift to
get the job done. Easy Kleen believes in solving problems and the Fill and
Play Series has been the solution for hundreds of customers. Talk to your
Easy Kleen representative today to design a totally self contained Fill and
Play System that will fit your needs.
The City of Red Deer and
the City of Prince George
have purchased two of
these units. Geared to
transport in the back of a
flatbed truck. 10 GPM at
3000 PSI unit with 740
gallon water tank, steam
and high pressure 12 volt
hose reels with hose
guides and light kit. Used
for thawing, cleaning road
signs, graffiti, sidewalks
and equipment.
1-800-315-5533 • [email protected] •