Easy Illustrated eBooks – The Simple System Used
To Produce Illustrated eBooks For Amazon's
Easy Illustrated eBooks is a system so simple that you can build a complete portfolio
of products very quickly. Books that will sell for years to come. These books will never go
out of date. Mention adding illustration to eBook and many people will head for the hills
because they imagine you need the graphic skills of Leonardo De Vinci or the talent of a
Disney artist.
What Is Easy Illustrated eBooks?
Did you know that there are more digital books now sold on Kindle, and other
eReading devices than are sold as traditional print books? Just a few years ago this
opened up amazing opportunities for the home publisher or author to provide content
for this new medium. This was and remains a ravenous buyers market.
It was very simple in the beginning; it was easy to sell sub standard publications on
Kindle. But a few years ago there was a change, eBooks came of age and the quality of
the books sold on Kindle (and elsewhere) improved enormously. The biggest change
was Amazon were now offering quality Illustrated Ebooks and the sales
went into the stratosphere and remain there today.
It was a sit up and take notice moment, you see there was a massive market for very
simple Illustrated eBooks that were not only easy to produce but also looked
amazing. Amazon made it super simple for anyone to produce quality books by
providing all the guidance and tools necessary to produce quality books first time every
But there was a much simpler way of producing quality books. Ones that
could be produced in just a few hours instead of days or weeks, so that you could
build a complete portfolio of books in just a few days. So Robert Corrigan & Steve
King worked hard and developed a very easy method of producing these books in an
ordinary word processor using specially designed templates templates formatted for a
wide range of Kindle devices.
It is Easy Illustrated eBooks!!!
Easy Illustrated eBooks is a system so simple that you can build a complete portfolio
of products very quickly. Especially Books that will sell for years to come. These books
will never go out of date. Mention adding illustration to eBook and many people will