Eastern Chatter Issue 5 Summer 2016 | Page 12

What is Homelessness?

Homelessness is not only when you have no home and nowhere to go, it is also when you feel that you can’t go home or something bad will happen to you or the ones you love.

There were 185,000 homeless people in England in 2013 after three years of increasing numbers of homeless people.

Homelessness can happen to anyone, even if you don’t think so right now…it can still happen!

Homelessness is caused by many problems such as:

• Loss of job

• Loss of life in family

• Trauma in a war

• Domestic abuse

• Family have thrown you out

Do you ever think about how homeless people feel? I’m not homeless so don’t know exactly how they feel but I can imagine they must be lonely, scared, cold, hungry, worried, invisible, and restless etc.

It must be horrible to have people just walk past you without giving you a second look.

We’ve all done it but perhaps we should stop to say hello or even give a few pounds to these human beings sitting by a wall with their hood up possibly wrapped up in a blanket and a cup (that they found) in their hands.


By Melissa Jenkins

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