Easter eBook 1 | 页面 4

The Easter Bunny is overrated By Emma Guy So, how do we feel about easter? Well let’s get one thing straight, The easter bunny is completely overrated. Like seriously, he gets so much attention yet all he does is gives kids eggs. He probably doesn't even deliver the eggs himself. I mean, you never see him so he could just have elves like santa or possibly robots. The flowers and trees are all very nice and the sun is occasionally out and I mean, I understand the big spring thing with cute chicks, lambs and bunnies. Even bees are quite friendly but easter is just overrated. Chocolate is really tasty but we don’t need a bunny to deliver it. Bunnies are allergic to chocolate but I think that’s the only thing that makes sense because if bunnies loved chocolate they would just eat all the eggs and become extraordinarily fat. I think, if chocolate is needed at easter then the shops should supply it for free. Then, we could have unlimited chocolate throughout the easter weekend, still enjoy it and not be worrying about an overworked possibly poisoned bunny who should just be wandering free. What I’ve been trying to say throughout this is that I don’t really like the easter bunny. I know, I know. Kill me now. But I don’t, he just makes no sense. He should be a happy, wild bunny enjoying life not painting and making eggs all year and then going crazy the night before trying to deliver them. But that’s just me.