East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 4th September 2013. | Page 2

WAIHI EAST SCHOOL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER 13/27 4th September 2013 Kia ora Our school pool is now a heated pool, wahoo!! Thank you for your support with this initiative. The pool now has a cover and solar panels which we aim will gives us an optimum 28 degrees in the water. No more shivering and shaking. I can’t wait to see what the impact will be on water skills and swimming techniques. Our aim is to open the pool week one of term four. Chocies, chocies, chocolates!! Thank you for supporting our 2014 camp to Tongariro by selling chocolates. We are two cartons away from selling out. All money /unsold chocolate is due to the office by the 13th of September. I wonder who will win the bike? We had a number of excited students compete in the local Gym festival yesterday. Our thanks to Tracey Fowell, our gym coach extraordinaire. Kathy and Rowan Thomas have approached the school with a unique fundraiser-calf rearing. They are willing to rear a calf until 12 weeks when it will head to the Paeroa Sale with all money raised going towards school. If you are willing to do the same, please let us know. All funds raised will go towards our breakfast Club. Please remember to return your MAD (Make a Difference) form outlining what you would like the group to fundraise towards. We are loving your ideas, keep them coming in. Nga mihi nui koutou Emily ([email protected]) MATHETHON Thanks to all those students who have returned their sponsor sheet and money. Please bring your sponsor sheets back to the school office as soon as possible. ASSEMBLY Remember, assembly is every fortnight under the shade area. Assembly next week is being presented by Rooms 3, 7 & 9. There is NO assembly this week. SANDWICH RACE Be ready for the interclass Sandwich race. All this week, aim to have a sandwich in your lunchbox to help your class win the race. (pita and wraps count as a sandwich too). AGRICULTURAL DAY/CALF CLUB If anyone is going to have a calf, lamb or goat for this years calf club, please see Mrs Steele so she can register you and your animal. Alan Scott has contacts for goats if your child would like to enter one. Calf club will be held in term 4. See www.calfclub.co.nz for how to select, rear and train a calf for calf club. CALENDARS Students are creating art work for calendars again this year. Order forms went out last week with the newsletter. If you would like to order some calendars please send the order form and money to school before September 20th. Calendars will be back in next term. FIRST AID KITS We have first aid kits available for sale through a fundraising opportunity but will sell onto our school whanau at cost. $27 each. The kit is a large, carry kit with transparent foldout compartments that contain 77 items including a digital thermometer and instant icepack. Orders will be taken at the office. PIT RIM FUN RUN/WALK This will be held on Saturday 19th October. We will need lots of helpers to make this a successful day. Keep a look out in next weeks newsletter for more details on this. If you are able to help out with the planning and/or on the day, please see Leann. SEVENS SPORTS Congratulations to Mr Gurnick and both the rugby 7’s teams who have qualified for the North cluster competition to be held at Waihi on 18th September. WHANGAMATA RUN/WALK FESTIVAL The run/walk festival was on last Saturday in Whangamata. Congratulations to Lillie T, Lilly N, Kya A, Ben H, Mikayla T-L, Jaylene T-L, Capri O-R, Rahira P, Isitolo H and Michaela S who ran in this. SAUSAGE SIZZLE We have five students (Dylan L, Bradley R, Crystal D-M, Nikita T and Connor T) heading to the New Zealand National tournament for Inline hockey in the September holidays. To help them with their costs getting to New Plymouth they are holding a sausage sizzle and selling juices at lunchtime on Friday 6th September. Sausages are $2. Juicies are $1. Orders to the office please. DAFFODIL DAY COLOURING COMP Congratulations to Meg T & Lillie T for winning prizes in the Daffodil day colouring competition. IMPORTANT DATES Sept 6 Sausage sizzle & juicies for sale. Sept 11 Kiwisport MT bike day. 11am. Sept 12 Room 3 & 7 & 9 assembly. Sept 18 Duffy Hero Assembly. 1.30pm. Sept 18 Kiwisport MT bike day. 11am. Sept 18 North cluster rugby 7’s. Sept 20 Chalk orders close. Sept 20 Calendar orders due. Sept 25 Kiwisport MT bike day. 11am. Sept 26 Room 4 & 6 assembly. Sept 23-27 Junior anniversary reports. Sept 23-27 Student led conferences. Sept 27 Sandwich day. Sept 27 Last day for term 3.