East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 28 August 2013. | Page 6

IIOIIIEIIII.T lryfiIll 07 8637560 8 o m- 4 p m tiuor lird 5t, 1BADevon Wsihi ph: Meohanical O7 88it 3i[40 ph: U7 BA3 6339 Electrieal [email protected]. nz Bulltown Rood Woihi Mob:021 449634 0 NH:07 863 3449 PURCELL PANEL WORKS PHONE JIM 07 8637063 24 Hours i-J 1'IRTT IIJRI.KEB BUIIDIRS 438 021 758 Teresa Kane Senior Personal Banker hargainsMore N Y*xs"ey K"*xmk Vxen9*ty Sfare :t Giftware * Toys :t Hardware :k :k Stationary * Scrapbooking and everything else you could need! Woihiqnd Kotikoti DDI: 8636564 07 Fax: 863 8819 07 Emai[: [email protected] nationatbank.co.nz 07 863 6014 07 549 5890 LsennruoCrnrnr a?t $orurRsETEnny%r",-"o'*ta 'Exquisitejeuellery and gifts' Paul and Delwyn Street, Waihi 44 Seddon ph/fax: o786g7rz7 cell:ozT4SZSZSS e-mail: [email protected] ! 2 Somerset Waihi .' ; Street, Open 7.30- 5.30 . _ , _F Children ioS I months &i 'n 2r a '1.. 07 863 3057 CoRBETT Ro QuenRY,Cnusnro Aocneoares o SorrRocK CnusneoSorrnocx o Frrr INSPECTIONWELCOME CARTAGEARRANGED P H : 0 2 | 2 4 3 3 1 3 4 o a( O 7 ) 8 6 3 7 6 3 3 FAX: (O7) A63 7637