East School Newsletters term 3 2013. 21 August 2013. | Page 4

How is my rebate worked out? Yourrebate be calculated will basedon your income, ratesandthe number dependants of living withyou. Theincome eligibility a rebate $23,870. for is However, yourincome if exceeds amount this you couldstillbe entitled a rebate to depending on the totalcostof yourratesandthe number of dependants. Please referto the application or yourlocal form council moreinformation. for RatesRebate Scheme Applications 2A1U14 far provides rebate The RatesRebate Scheme a of up to $595 for low income earners whowere paying ratesfor the homein whichtheywereliving 2 on1 July 013. How do I apply? Application formsare available fromyourlocal council can be downloaded the internet or from on www.ratesrebates.govt. nz . Youneedto apply yourlocal to council. You cannotapplyfor a rebateif: . the property usedprincipally farming, is for purposes; commercial, industrial business or or . the property a rentalproperty; is or . you havealready applied a rebate the for in year;or current rating . you do notqualify the legalratepayer. as Formoreinformation see What do I needto provide? . Accurate (and information aboutyourincome jointhome thatof anyspouse/partner and/or ownerwho liveswithyou)for the tax year ended March 31 2013. . Yourregional council ratesbillif received separately. Wheredo I go for help? yourlocal Youshould Their contact council. will be on yourratesbillor you cango to details www.localcou nci ls.govt. nz www.ratesrebates. nz govt. APPLICATIONS CLOSEON 30 JUNE 2014 APPLICATIONS CLOSE 30 JUNE2014 ON TeTariTaiwhenua TeTariTaiwhenua