East Africa Character Development Trust Brochure East Africa Character Development Trust Brochure | Page 8
East Africa Character Development Trust
Registered in the United Kingdom, no. 1153030
Dr Mike Boit, Sir Ian Botham OBE, Clare Connor OBE, Mike Gatting OBE,
David Gower OBE, Lord Michael Hastings, Derek Pringle
EACDT Trustees:
Chris Newson BCom CTA CASA, Chairman; Simon Prodger, Executive Trustee;
Derek Breed; Julian Ince MBA FCA
Working in Kenya through FYCEK
The East Africa Character Development Trust (EACDT) is a UK based and registered charity. It was
formed with the intention of helping children from deprived backgrounds in the countries of East Africa
- Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi - develop certain character traits that will help them
survive and flourish in discouraging environments.
In order for EACDT to operate successfully in Kenya, its trustees formed a Kenya charitable trust; The
Foundation for Youth Cricket and Education in Kenya Charitable Trust [FYCEK], the trustees of which
are listed below. Three of these, of which two are Kenyan, are resident in Kenya, and one, the EACDT
Founding Trustee, is resident on the island of Jersey.
FYCEK delivers in Kenya the Character Development Programme that EACDT has designed. It also
contracts with its Kenyan employees and suppliers and deals with Kenya’s fiscal and regulatory
authorities. EACDT, in its turn, funds FYCEK, and monitors its activities.
FYCEK Trustees:
Julian Ince MBA FCA, Chairman; Derek Breed (Jersey resident); Salil Patel; Naval Sood MBA FCCA
Project Director:
David Waters MBE
For more information on how to become involved,
please contact:
Simon Prodger, Executive Trustee
T: +44 (0)1923 445 879 / +44 (0)7775 847 634
E: [email protected]
David Waters MBE, Project Director
T: +254 (0)723 730 813 - E: [email protected]
Salil Patel
T: +254 (0)724 255 666 - E: [email protected]