Early Childhood Family Education 2017-2018 Catalog | Seite 2

Welcome to ECFE

Welcome to ECFE

Early Childhood Family Education ( ECFE )
• ECFE offers classes for parents and their children ages birth to 5 years old ( before kindergarten ).
• Programs are designed for parents and their infants , toddlers and preschool aged children .
• Classes help strengthen family relationships and provide information and resources to parents in their journey to help their children grow and develop to their maximum potential .
• Programs strive to build a strong foundation for families by forming a partnership between home and school .
A typical ECFE class includes three components :
1 . Parent-Child Time
You and your child spend time together enjoying activities designed to enhance their learning . You will leave with new ideas for things to do together at home .
2 . Parent Time
Meet with other parents and a licensed parent educator to discuss topics such as development , temperament , discipline and getting ready for school . The parent time takes place in a separate room or in a designated area of the children ’ s classroom for non-separating classes .
3 . Children ’ s Classroom
While you and other parents participate in parent time , children learn through play in the classroom with a licensed early childhood teacher and a paraprofessional . Children will enjoy music , art , stories , large and small motor activities as they interact with other children .
ECFE is for your child AND for you !
Early Childhood Family Education is based on the idea that the family provides a child ' s first and most significant learning environment and parents are a child ' s first and most important teachers .
Why attend ECFE ? Our parents tell us :
It ’ s good for children . Your child will :
• Experience a safe place to learn and get ready for preschool , kindergarten , and beyond .
• Have an opportunity to socialize with other children and develop relationships with new adults .
• Participate in activities and challenges that contribute to healthy social , emotional , and physical development .
It benefits parents AND children . Together you will :
• Learn skills and routines that can easily be adapted for use at home .
• Have special and meaningful time focused on each other .
• Experience a successful transition into kindergarten .
It ’ s helpful for parents . Parents will :
• Make connections with other parents in your community , gain support from one another and benefit from the understanding that “ I am not the only one going through this ” in an environment where parents can be real and honest about parenting challenges .
• Learn how they can better help their children now and in the future .
• Understand the school system and how the educational system works here . It prepares parents to be involved in their child ’ s education beginning in the early years , which helps children do better in school .
McKnight Rd .
Beaver Lake Center
Maryland Ave .
Sterling St .
Beaver Lake Center
Stillwater Rd .
1060 Sterling Street N Maplewood , MN 55119 Enrollment Office Here
Century Ave .
Highway 61
Gladstone Center
Highway 36
Gladstone Center
parking Manton St .
Frost Ave .
Larpenteur Ave .
1945 Manton Street Maplewood , MN 55109
White Bear Ave .
651-702-8411 ( 651-788-3664 Español )